The "Knowledgeable" Fisherman

What Should Anglers do with All That Information?

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Hey Guys!

Welcome to the 36th Issue of Guys Fishing Weekly!

Today in 5 minutes:

🤓 The “Knowledgeable” Fisherman

📣 Cause: Reeling in Serenity

📻️ NEW: The GFW Podcast!

📽️ Laxaþjóð | A Salmon Nation | Patagonia Films

Thanks for spending even just a little of your week with us. We are grateful for you!

Stay Legendary,

- The GFW Boys

The “Knowledgeable” Fisherman… emphasis on the quotes

Fly fishing requires a deep understanding of numerous variables. And while there is often a competitive element, the fly-fishing community thrives on mentorship and shared knowledge to understand the mind of the fish. Success varies, and even experienced fishermen have days with no catch.

But the true joy in fly fishing comes from learning through failure, sharing experiences, and fostering a humble, collaborative community.

Announcing Our New Podcast!

on Spotify & Apple Podcasts

We are excited to announce our new podcast, very creatively named “The Guys Fishing Weekly Podcast”!

As we are just a couple of guys who are neither experts in fishing or life, each episode will dive deeper into topics that help us improve at our passions: being better fishermen, fathers and friends.

We will be releasing new episodes every Tuesday, on all major podcast platforms, but here are the first to episodes for you to sink your teeth into:

Ep. 1) WTF are we doing here?! (Spotify | Apple Podcasts)

Here we dive into why we are even doing this, our mission and who we are. A little taste of our personalities, while also letting our lack of planning shine through!

Ep. 2) Talking about NA Beers and Sobriety (Spotify | Apple Podcasts)

This episode dives into one of our writing pieces about a topic near and dear to us, sobriety. A fun discussion about being the “buzzkill crew” on our fishing trips!

Some of Our Other Writing

Quote of the Week

Humans don’t mind hardship, in fact they thrive on it; what they mind is not feeling necessary. Modern society has perfected the art of making people not feel necessary.

Sebastian Junger - from the book, “Tribe”

What We Are Watching

Laxaþjóð | A Salmon Nation | Patagonia Films

This video is important. As I watched and listened, I continued to have my stomach turn thinking about what could be if this continues. Such a beautiful place as Iceland is, it is so unfortunate what is happening to the wild salmon streams.

What We Are Reading

Tribe by Sebastian Junger

This book is a great look into the world of human socialization and belonging. It does a great job of exploring why we need our connections with one another and our “tribe.” Sebastian Junger also presents some different angles/lenses to look at this topic through that we found intriguing and thought provoking. It aligns greatly with what we preach here at GFW and is a worthy read to understand more.

One Fly Pattern

@mgcall’s #18 Summer Spent

One Cause to Learn About

Reeling in Serenity

Reeling in Serenity celebrates life free from drug and alcohol addiction by embracing nature and the spiritual connection that fly fishing has brought so many. They do this through free fly fishing retreats that are open to those who have chosen to live their personal truth - a life without alcohol and drugs. They also serve as a safe space and resource for the sober fly angler who is doing the work one day at a time.

Nuggets for Nibblin’

Monkeys make mom jokes?

Window Track Cleaning Hack

Restorative Power of Small Habits

Why are Tennis Balls Fuzzy?

GFW Gear

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